The Art of Mezame Academy first started as a Facebook group on 31 March 2017 as The Art of Mezame Photography Workshops. Its primary function is to provide more information on photography seminars, workshops and classes run which I run.
- For a complete list of past events by The Art of Mezame Academy, go here.
- For a list of upcoming events by The Art of Mezame Academy, go here.

Today, it is an education arm under The Art of Mezame whose vision is to teach aspects of photography including lighting and retouching using software such as Capture One to the masses.

Working closely with various commercial studios, photographers and organisations such as National Library Board (Singapore), The Art of Mezame Academy is now known for its engaging talks on photography and workshops with relevant hands-on experiences as well as well-equipped private tutorials that see plenty of learning for participants of all ages.

I have also given photography talks in schools, encouraging young students to take up a promising career in photography, as well as at cosplay conventions such as HobbyCon, sharing tips and tricks on how to make cosplay photography more epic.

I have also given talks at events by photography communities on digital composites and photography such as the Photographers Cinematographers Malay Singapore (PCMS).

During my time in Phase One, I have also given talks, and run seminars alongside our partners in Singapore (Broncolor Singapore), Thailand (Foto Systems Limited & Krung Siam Enterprise Co. Ltd.), Indonesia (Primaimaging) and Malaysia (Broncolor Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.), introducing and teaching Capture One to photographers both amateurs and professionals alike.
Apart from running talks and seminars as well as workshops, I also write blog posts that talk about gear and provide tips and tricks on photography which I share actively in the Facebook group, sometimes writing for websites such as DIYPhotography: How I Shot a Life-sized DeLorean for Back to the Future Day and How I Brought Fate Zero Saber to Life with a Spray Bottle.

Ongoing Private Classes/Tutorials:
- Capture One Basics (4 hours)
- One-on-One basic Lighting Tutorials (4 hours)
Upcoming Academy Events:
- To find out more about upcoming events that we have in store for you, go to https://blog.theartofmezame.com/upcoming-academy-events/
Previous Talks:
- Singapore – PCMS Gathering at MacPherson Studio (Mar 2016)
- Singapore – Broncolor Siros L launch event at Marina Bay Sands (Jun 2016)
- Sabah, Malaysia – HobbyCon (Dec 2016)
- Singapore – ECG Career Talk at Chongfu School (Nov 2017)
- Singapore – Capture One Pro 11 and Lighting talk with #Kilogrammerz at Broncolor Singapore studio (Jan 2018)
- Bangkok, Thailand – Capture One talk at One Shot Studio (Mar 2018)
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Capture One talk at Macking Event (Mar 2018)
- Singapore – Capture One talk for Sony Digital Workshop at Intercontinental Hotel (Mar 2018)
- Jakarta, Indonesia – Capture One Basics at Primaimaging studio (Apr 2018)
- Singapore – The Digital Darkroom with Capture One Pro 11 at library@orchard (Jul 2018)
- Singapore – Retouching Photography at library@orchard (Nov 2018)
- Bangkok, Thailand – Capture One talk at The Royal Photographic Society of Thailand (Nov 2018)
- Bangkok, Thailand – ShootBKK at Boxshot Studio (Jan 2019)
- Singapore – Capture One talk at En Vogue studio (Feb 2019)
- Singapore – Sony Symposium: From Capture to Print at the Projector (Mar 2019)
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – ShootKL at DPAC Empire Damansara (Jun 2019)
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – What You See Is What You Get: My photography workflow using Broncolor lighting, Capture One and EIZO ColorEdge monitors (Sept 2019)
- Singapore – Mobile Phone Portrait Photography at library@orchard (Sept 2019)
- Singapore – Pro Series: Creative Lighting 101 at library@orchard (Mar 2020)
- Singapore – Pro Series: Capturing Motion at library@orchard via online Zoom webinar (Jun 2020)
Previous Workshops:
- Singapore – Making a Mez Out of Something – Night Lighting Basics Workshop at Pearl Centre and MacPherson Studio (Dec 2014)
- Singapore – Capture One Basics Workshop at LunarWorks and MacPherson Studio (Nov 2017)
- Singapore – Sony Digital Workshop #SonyxKilo Capture One workshop (Aug 2018)
- Singapore – LIGHT IT UP! Basic Lighting for Portrait Photography Workshop (Mar 2019)
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – THE LIGHT SIDE OF PEOPLE – A Basic Lighting for Portrait Photography Workshop in Broncolor Malaysia studio (Jul 2019)
- Singapore – Life in Macro: A Toy Photography Workshop (Basic Edition) at library@orchard (Aug 2019)
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Private Capture One Basics Workshop with D’Loven Group (Aug 2019)
- Singapore – Sony Digital Workshop “Casting Shadows” – Still-life Photography (Feb 2021)

Come join us at The Art of Mezame Academy (you will need an active Facebook account)!
If you are a company or a school and wish to have photography workshop for your corporate function, please fill the form below for further discussions.